The PH test with easy to read pH stix tells you where you stand from the beginning.

ph testIt is very important that you test your PH before you begin any form of cleansing. This will tell you were you are and guide you to the level of cleansing you can do safely. The more acid you are the gentler the cleanse should be.

This three-part pH test helps indicate an electrolyte deficiency, which could inhibit the cleansing process and initiate unnecessary or even harmful cleansing reactions. If you do not pass the pH test, you can still do a very mild cleanse with food. However, it is essential that you have a full alkaline electrolyte reserve before doing a fast. You will need pH papers, pen/pencil, paper, and one lemon. The tests must be done at least two (2) hours after meals.

Part #1 - The Saliva Test

Thoroughly wet the end of a small strip of pH paper with your saliva and compare its color to the nearest color indicated on the pH paper dispenser. The color chart may not always match the readings exactly, just use your best judgment. Record the date and the results on a piece of paper.

Interpreting Part #1

6.0 or below - Indicates a seriously depleted electrolyte condition and Potential problems while exercising, cleaning, or fasting. You must replenish your alkaline reserve before doing any cleansing, fasting or strenuous exercise. DO NOT EXERCISE STRENUOUSLY! Perform Part #2.

6.1 - 6.3 - Indicates depletion. May not be serious, but electrolytes are low Perform Part #2.

6.4 - 6.8 - Passed Part # 1. This is a very good sign. Perform Part #2.

6.9 or higher - Something may have interfered with the reading, such a stress or excitement. Wait about one hour and test again. If the result remains the same, it indicates psychological stress that is so deep that it is causing metabolic stress. It could also be related to old drugs, emotions infections, parasites, etc. Perform Part #2.

Part #2 - The Lemon Test

This test can be done immediately after the saliva test. Squeeze the juice of one half (l/2) of a lemon into two (2) ounces of water and drink without sweeteners. Swish the juice in the mouth once just before swallowing. Wait for 60 seconds, and then begin a series of six (6) saliva readings with the pH papers. Record each reading. At least one of the last three readings must show a passing result to pass this part of the test

Interpreting Part #2

8 or higher - You passed. This indicates that the liver has stored adequate electrolytes to buffer the acids in the mouth. This is a positive health indicator. If, during Part #1 of the test, the saliva reading was between 6.4 and 6.8, and you passed the lemon test, then it is safe to cleanse or fast. Proceed toPart#3.

7.5 - 8.0 - You barely passed and you may cleanse, but your electrolyte reserve is not fully charged. You should strive to increase your reserve during a milder cleanse.

7.0 - 7.4 - Indicates that you have some reserve of alkaline minerals, but not as much as needed. Work diligently on increasing your electrolyte reserve during milder cleansing. Do not go into deeper phases until you have a reading above 7.5.

6.9 or below, but higher than the reading in Part l - Indicates that there is some reserve, but it is minimal. This indicates that you are moving towards a chronic, dis-eased condition. Use only mild cleansing until you pass the pH test. Proceed to Part #3. Support from an expert health practitioner is advised!

Part #3 - The Urine Test

To complete this test you'll need to devote a day to eating only vegetables and their Juices (100% alkaline-forming foods). Have no grains, dairy, meat, coffee, or fruits; and do not exercise strenuously. The next morning, wet the pH paper in a mid-stream of urine. Record your result.

Interpreting Part #3

7.0 or above - You passed. It means that your body has so much extra electrolyte reserve that it is eliminating the excess through the urine.

6.5 - 6.9 - Indicates some depletion, although it is not yet too serious. The body is storing some electrolytes but is releasing some as well. Work on increasing your electrolytes during milder cleanses. As long as you passed the first two parts of the test, it is safe to cleanse deeply.

5.7 - 6.4 - Depletion is more serious. Acid accumulation is greater than your alkaline reserve. This means that your body may be killing its own cells to retrieve the electrolytes it needs to keep your body alive. It is a sign that you are moving towards a dis-ease. Focus on replenishing your electrolyte storehouse before cleansing. Then, be sure to pass all parts of
the pH test. Caution is advised while cleansing.

5.6 or below - A pH in this range indicates the body is very depleted and has no storage of electrolytes. It is unlikely that you would have passed Part #1 and Part #2. Do not attempt any cleansing or fasting, only do very mild cleansing. Some type of chronic or degenerative dis-ease has probably already developed

Summary of pH Test Results

Indicators of serious mineral depletion & poor health

  • Saliva pH between meals is below 6.1.
  • Lemon test is below 7.0 pH.
  • After eating 100% alkaline-forming foods in a 24-hour period, the next morning's urine pH is below 7.0
  • After eating 100% acid-forming foods, the next morning's urine pH is above 7.0.
  • Smell of ammonia in urine.

Signs of good health & full reserve of electrolytes

  • Saliva pH between meals is above 6.4 to 6.8.
  • Lemon test reveals 8.0 or above
  • After eating 100% alkaline-forming foods in a 24-hour period the next morning's urine pH is 7.0 or above
  • After eating 100% acid-forming foods, the next morning's urine pH is 6.0 or below.

If you did not pass the Test

Those who did not pass the pH test should stop eating acid food, and eat mostly vegetables, particularly those that are high in organic electrolytes: sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Drink plenty of fresh organic Juices. Use organic electrolyte Supplements. Use only very mild cleansing until you pass all three parts of the test. You can begin fasting once you have built up your alkaline reserves and passed the entire pH test.

Note: Urine tests during cleansing - After you begin cleansing, the body will be removing stored acids. The deeper the cleansing, the more acid the urine becomes. Checking your urine pH during these phases will not indicate your true electrolyte Status. In other words, it's useless. However, Part #2 (the lemon test) should continue to be accurate.

To help rebuild your alkaline reserve:

  • Eat mainly alkaline-forming foods.
  • Remove acid-forming foods from your diet.
  • Eat organic food
  • Drink about 3 glasses of fresh vegetable juice per day, especially carrot, celery, beet, and kale.
  • Drinking vegetable broth is very good for building electrolyte levels or take a good electrolyte Supplements

Where to get the best PH stix?

you can purchase ph-stix in Australia at the Wellbeing Marketplace